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Frequently Asked Questions

Sexton Landscaping


What is the “Seasonal Color” service?

Many plants, shrubs, trees, flowers, and bushes produce blooms only during certain times of the year. A well-thought-out landscape design will include several seasons worth of blooming plants. If you don’t have color in your landscape, our Fairhope landscaping company can install your favorite plants to provide seasonal color all year long.

If I maintain my lawn well, will it raise my property value?

As far as seeing any real value increase for your Fairhope, landscape improvements most definitely make a difference in your home’s value, especially when it comes time to sell. Increasing your curb appeal can increase your home’s value by as much as 10-15%! Once you have a beautiful landscape and lawn, maintaining it will preserve the value.

Why do they say a lawn is helpful to the environment?

A living lawn will provide many benefits to the environment from keeping storm-water runoff and erosion away to cleaning the air of poisons like carbon dioxide. As your lawn goes through different stages of growth and death, the organic matter of the lawn grass improves the soil. Lawns also help to reduce temperatures and noise pollution!

Close up of grass blades